Nutrition Services
Jo Kelly Nutrition Service
Fort Worth Independent School District is dedicated to student success. To support that mission, Child Nutrition Services' goal is to improve the health and well-being of children by preparing and serving attractive, nutritious meals at a reasonable price. The Child Nutrition Services' mission is to meet or exceed dietary guidelines, provide appropraite, outstanding menu choices and promote nutrition education among our customers - the students.
Community Eligibilty Provision- CEP ⇒
The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) was established by The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 and allows children in low-income, high-poverty schools to receive free meals. Any child who attends a CEP school will receive a free reimbursable breakfast, lunch and afterschool snack every day. Students will only be able to participate in the free meal program as long as they are attending a CEP school. If a student transfers to a traditional application campus they will need to complete a Free & Reduced Meal Application and return the application to the new school cafeteria manager or the Child Nutrition Services Office.
Maria Gebhart - Jo Kelly Cafeteria Manager